6 Vacuum Cleaners Mistakes That Will Cost You $1m Over The Next 10 Years

Panasonic MC-CG301 Review

The Panasonic MC-CG301 is a budget canister vacuum without a lot of frills. The vacuum lacks
The tools that the best budget vacuums supply, such as an upholstery tool and dusting brush. It is
Lightweight and easy to store, but it does not have a great deal of suction.
In our tests, this inexpensive vacuum cleaner's performance was average at vacuuming up debris
On both thicker and short carpet. We tested the Panasonic with flour and kitty litter, and it took
Several moves to clean up both messes. This is not the vacuum you need if you have pets. It was
Easily the worst vacuum in picking up pet hair and dander. Other affordable vacuums cleaned the
Entire area, but this vacuum simply could not pick up stuck hairs. We had to pick the hairs out by
Hand before the carpet was spotless.
The vacuum has a nice, portable design with a canister which rolls on large wheels, but the plastic
Base provides the Panasonic MC-CG301 a cheap appearance. We like how well it moves around a
cluttered area. The hose is flexible, the head of the vacuum swivels effortlessly as you flip, and
The canister rolls smoothly behind you.
You'll have a simple time carrying it up and down stairs. At 87.5 decibels, it's near the lower end
Of the spectrum for noise level.
Our main complaint with the Panasonic is the lack of versatility and extras. The handle extends
And a crevice tool is mounted to the unit, but there are no other tools that are included. There is
No dusting brush, for example, which would permit you to clean out heating vents or ceiling
corners. The vacuum does not have an upholstery tool either. The head of the vacuum is too rough
For fine sofa materials or curtains, so you are limited to cleaning floors.
The Panasonic MC-CG301 comes with a standard one-year warranty. The manufacturer website
Offers a high level of service, with email, online FAQs and live chat. Should you lose your owner

The Panasonic MC-CG301 does not possess the power, flexibility or extras that other budget
vacuums provide. It has a mobile, maneuverable design and a canister base that goes with
ease. This Is a Great vacuum for a small household but will falter with bigger messes and more
specific tasks.


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